9th Arab Culture Meetings and Conference

The fall of the colonial system after the World War II gave birth to postcolonial methodology in cultural studies in the 1960s. After half a century of postcolonial discourse, it can be seen that the analysis of such issues as stereotypes, nationalism, chauvinism, imperialism, migration, cultural transgression, and separatism have become especially important in the context of the Arab Spring and the accelerating socio-political transformations in the whole Middle Eastern region.

Continuing the rich and inspiring tradition of postcolonial studies, the Academic Society of the Middle East is organizing a conference on social, cultural, political and economic phenomena of contemporary Arab world, to be held within the framework of the 9th Arab Culture Meetings that took place from April 22 to 27, 2013. The speeches and discussions led to the opening of new promising fields of research into the mutual interactions between the colonizing and the colonized cultures.

More information (in Polish) is available on the website: http://ixdniarabskie.wordpress.com/

The event was held under the auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Political Science, Prof. dr hab. Bogdan Szlachta.

Data opublikowania: 29.06.2013
Osoba publikująca: Michał Olaś