Fourth application round for foreigners: 2013/2014

Date: 30.04.2013 – 16.06.2013

The additional, May-June application round for:

the non-Polish nationals who enrol pursuant to the rules other than applicable to Polish nationals for the first year of full-time and part-time undergraduate (first-cycle) and graduate (long- and second- cycle) programmes carried out in Polish, and
all candidates irrespective of their citizenship and the application rules they follow for the first year of undergraduate (first-cycle) and graduate (second- cycle) programmes carried out in foreign languages has started on Monday, 29 April 2013.

Detailed information about the application rules, formal requirements, documents required and admission schedule can be found on the website of the Online Application System in Catalogue 2013/2014. To apply for the admission to these programmes, the candidate should sign up for an OAS account at, register for the programme of their choice, and meet the conditions required for registration confirmation, i.e. pay an application fee and send the required documents.

We also encourage all foreign candidates to read the section "International students" available on the main website of the OAS, in which they can find useful information for foreign prospective students, including the instruction on how to set up an OAS account, how to use a programme browser, and how to complete the registration.

The application deadline is 16 June 2013. The next application round will open if there are still vacancies. The dates of additional application rounds can be found here.

Data opublikowania: 29.06.2013
Osoba publikująca: Michał Olaś